
How Construction Can Leverage Digital Tools for COVID-19

Reading time for How Construction Can Leverage Digital Tools for COVID-19 : 4 minutes

The global pandemic is a new reality, and the need for technology during COVID-19 in construction has come into sharp focus. 

Construction sites across the globe have shut down and paused work to ensure social distancing measures are in effect– but in the next few weeks, projects across the globe will reopen and workers will be asked to return to the job site.

Unfortunately, like most businesses, construction projects were also unable to predict the sudden impact of this pandemic. As a result, many were not ready. Now faced with a new reality, many are job sites are realizing that going back to ‘business as usual’ is not possible.

It’s no surprise that a substantial portion of construction projects will need to adapt to new safety guidelines–and what easier way to do this than with the help of technology?

While social distancing has led to a rise in working remotely, could there be a better time than now for construction projects to go paperless, contactless, and online?

Implementing new technology on the job site doesn’t have to be a burden, or a long drawn out process often associated with making a change to traditional processes or workflows.

We look at easy-to-use digital tools that you can leverage right away to return to work during the global pandemic.

How construction can leverage digital tools for COVID-19

Let’s start with communication.

To better communicate with your colleagues, review workflows, plans, and ensure things are on track, you can take advantage of free construction digital tools like or that help take care of those critical responsibilities.

Check out the top construction apps and digital tools we recommend that can help you during this time. 

Construction management apps are great for compiling and sharing essential documents, assigning and monitoring tasks, and overseeing the progress of projects without the need of physically being on the job site.

Given the circumstances, now is the perfect time for project managers to explore apps for time management, group-planning, task-assigning, administration, worker onboarding, safety training, and more. 

Many PMs are exploring the use of online planning tools such as and . Apps like PlanGrid help subcontractors share their drawings, field mark-ups, notes, and communicate with others involved in the project. Canvas is a digital tool construction professionals can use to review reports like audits and estimates, inspections, and more. 

The »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË platform can also help construction companies get back to work by allowing them to move registration, orientations, inductions, and worker management onto a single easy-to-use online platform. 

Technology during COVID-19 in construction: 

Take a Digital Product Tour. How »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË helps workers maintain social distance and avoid unnecessary physical contact. 

We know using tech is an easy way to get ahead. We also know that quickly adapting and improving technology is a game-changer. 

With »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË, you can easily implement critical safety requirements that are necessary in the current and post-pandemic world. We help those who build our work get back to work, safely.

Use an easy digital tool for COVID-19 in construction.

Keep reading to replace your traditional practices with a safer, digital solution:

You don’t need to pass out pens and collect paperwork. Register and onboard your contract workers, remotely.

There is no need to hand over documents, ID’s and certifications physically. It’s possible to collect these in a contact-less, hands-free way. With »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË, you take the risk out of handling in-person registrations by moving the entire process online. Our digital tool in construction can protect your workers by letting them complete their registration paperwork before they step foot on the site through »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË’s online portal.

Ditch the trailer and embrace a digital classroom.

Site safety doesn’t need to be crowded and in person. Your training can be engaging. It can be safe and even more effective. By conducting your site safety training online, you help to avoid spreading COVID-19. On »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË, workers can view training, take quizzes, and complete their site orientations/inductions from the safety of their homes, so they’re ready to get to work the moment they arrive on site.  

Leave the germs on the turnstile with zero contamination check-in and check-out.

You shouldn’t touch that. No, really. You can help keep your workers’ hands safe on the job site. Protect your workers from accidental contamination with our contact-free check-in and check-out capability. Your site security simply scans a worker’s »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË QR code using a smart device to start and end their day safely, without having to touch risky equipment or paperwork.

Let your filing cabinets collect dust. Track, manage and view COVID-19 specific compliance on the cloud.

It’s more important now than ever.

Safety compliance.

Workers on site need to be compliant with all safety guidelines and registration requirements. But no worries, you have a full view and the ability to automate compliance alerts so you can relax. »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË’s digital tool shows you which workers and subcontractors are in compliance at a glance and warns you when there’s a problem. 

Communicate even easier. Send updates with the click of a button.

How do you get the word out to your workers?

What if there’s any update?

With the spread of COVID-19, worker requirements and training are changing rapidly, but getting the word out to all your workers doesn’t need to be another challenge. Use »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË to update all site workers of new work eligibility requirements and see when they are complete. 

You don’t have to tap that stranger on the shoulder, complete contact-free credential spot checks online.

If you see a worker on-site that you don’t recognize, give him and wave over. »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË makes it easy to verify that workers are cleared to be on site. Simply scan a »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË QR code enabled hard hat sticker, ID card, or digital ID card with any mobile device to check a worker’s qualifications without exchanging paperwork or making physical contact. 

Personally approve workers and subcontractors before they step foot on the job site.

Top priorities should include keeping your site safe and making sure your workers are 100% compliant with your health and safety regulations. 

With »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË’s approval features, all companies and workers can be personally approved before they step foot on your project.

Our Takeaway

Construction companies across the globe are igniting a more resilient, digital-first version of our industry as a result of this pandemic.

With no end-date for COVID-19, construction projects must embrace new digital tools and find new ways of conducting day-to-day operations effectively and safely. 

We encourage you to digitize various aspects of your workflow, for the safety of others and the success of the industry. Construction has long held the reputation of ‘being slow to adopt new technology’… together we can make that stereotype a thing of the past.

Sonya Sikra

Sonya is the Brand Strategy Manager at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË. She specializes in communicating how implementing tech in construction can drive productivity and profit.