Reduce Risk and Improve Worksite
Safety with »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË
Keep your construction crews safer with standardized,
multi-lingual worker onboarding
Never worry a worker has received a sub-par onboarding. Digitize and standardize your entire onboarding process so that every worker is trained consistently and completely.
Every worker deserves the best onboarding experience, no matter their primary language. Deliver your training and orientation in the languages your workers speak, without needing a translator on site.
Lost paperwork and illegible handwriting can be a thing of the past by digitizing your document collection process. Let workers and subs submit their own paperwork online for your review and approval.
Never dig through another filing cabinet looking for a worker’s records again. Rest easy knowing you can search your worker’s documents anywhere, anytime and with any mobile device.
Let workers check-in and out of your job site with the click of a button, and integrate with access control and contractor management software to ensure only qualified workers are on site.
Get your safety team out of the training trailer so they can be where safety incidents occur, the worksite. Let workers take their training online and maximize your safety team’s impact.
Privacy is critical when it comes to your worker’s data, so make sure the data you do have is fully secured online and not sitting in a filing cabinet that can be easily accessed.
»Ê¼Ò»ªÈË is built to scale and has been used to onboard hundreds of thousands of construction workers worldwide. Don’t get caught out by homegrown solutions that can’t grow with your business
Build stronger working relationships with your workers and subcontractors by delivering world-class onboarding online. Workers that are onboarded with »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË have a 97% satisfaction rate.
Take a look at how GOCONTRACTOR can save you thousands of hours